Tuesday 2 June 2015

// First Post \\

// First Post \\

Hi everyone!
If you already know me, I used to do my "journal/blog" on VSCO.
Recently, some of my friends gave me some compliments about my journal/blog. So, I decided to make a real blog on my website!

* shout out to my friends who told me to make a blog ;) *


Welcome and thank you for stopping by my new adventurous blog. Here, you will find my daily basis, my adventures, and even some personal thoughts on society and our nature. I think it is the time to introduce myself in case we never met!

My name is Naomi Moon. I am a full time student in Vancouver, BC.
( Little Info: Vancouver is known around the world as one of the best places to live and is a popular tourist attraction. Vancouver is also one of the most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities in Canada.) 
I am a definitely a connoisseur,gelato enthusiast and I love going on adventures with people I love. This is little cliche, but I am very shy around new people. But, once you get to know me, I will never shut up. (oops.) 
My future career plan is being a successful doctor and help people who are in needs.
Also, I am also a typical "asian foodie" so I will probably post some cafès & brunch restaurants in Vancouver! 

I guess that is little information of myself. I am looking forward to share my adventures with you!


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